Husband and Wife cover 2 Kings chapter 3: The Reign of Jehoram of Israel / Elisha Predicts Victory over Moab. That time when you're losing the war so you sacrifice your kid to some god. And then that other time when it actually appears to work cuz the winners go away and leave you alone. Worth it? I'm gonna say no, but that's cuz I like my kids.
SUPPORT US ON PATREON ( AND JOIN US ON DISCORD ( In this episode, Husband and Wife wrap up their exploration of the Book...
SUPPORT US ON PATREON ( In this episode, Husband and Wife dive into Nahum Chapter 3, picking up right where they left off in Chapter 2. With their usua...
SUPPORT US ON PATREON ( JOIN US ON DISCORD ( In this episode, Husband and Wife return to the Book of Nahum, diving into ...
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