Husband and Wife cover Deuteronomy chapter 20: The Laws Concerning War. What's it good for? Absolutely nothin'. Except for trees. But only the fruit ones. The non-fruit-bearing trees are open season. Also, we are reminded to never NOT be afraid as it means you get to go home. Also also, don't live in town because there's a chance that being merely deplorable-adjacent saves you from outright murder.
SUPPORT US ON PATREON ( AND JOIN US ON DISCORD ( In this episode, Husband and Wife wrap up their exploration of the Book...
SUPPORT US ON PATREON ( In this episode, Husband and Wife dive into Nahum Chapter 3, picking up right where they left off in Chapter 2. With their usua...
SUPPORT US ON PATREON ( JOIN US ON DISCORD ( In this episode, Husband and Wife return to the Book of Nahum, diving into ...
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