Ezekiel Chapter 17: Bible Study by Atheists
Sacrilegious DiscourseMay 29, 202400:23:38

Ezekiel Chapter 17: Bible Study by Atheists

Get ready for another irreverent jaunt through the Bible with your favorite blasphemous duo! In this episode, we dissect the high-flying parables of Ezekiel Chapter 17, where God flexes his green thumb and plays out his obsession with trees and birds. Forget about planting your garden this spring; listen in as we unpack the Almighty's curious arborist adventures and his penchant for punishing promise-breakers with the subtlety of a Waffle House hash brown scattering. Spoiler alert: the Hebrew alphabet makes a cameo, because why not add a linguistic Easter egg into the mix? So, if you enjoy a side of snark with your scripture and think divine judgment should be served with a dash of humor, tune in and be prepared to have your sacred leaves rustled.

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