Husband and Wife cover Joshua chapter 13: The Land Yet to Be Possessed / The Inheritances Given by Moses. If the last chapter was a Congress of Kings, this chapter is a Menagerie of Maps, or an Aggregation of Atlases, or a Louse of Lands. Oh, and you thought they were done conquering Canaan? Foolish mortal.
SUPPORT US ON PATREON ( Jonah Chapter 4: A Prophet's Anguish Join Husband and Wife in this episode of Sacrilegious Discourse ( https://sacrilegiousdisc...
SUPPORT US ON PATREON ( Jonah Chapter 3: A City Repents Join Husband and Wife in this episode of Sacrilegious Discourse ( https://sacrilegiousdiscourse...
SUPPORT US ON PATREON ( Gilgamesh: The Epic Tale Unveiled Join Husband and Wife in this special bonus episode of Sacrilegious Discourse ( https://sacri...
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