Leviticus Chapters 21 - 22 Bible Study for Atheists
Husband and Wife cover Leviticus chapter 21: The Holiness of the Priests; and Leviticus chapter 22: The Holiness of the Offerings. This all still seems like a grift that rewards Moses and Aaron, and that punishes disabled people, deformed animals, and prostitutes. Ugly people need not apply.
SUPPORT US ON PATREON ( https://www.patreon.com/c/sacrilegiousdiscourse) Jonah Chapter 2: The Fishy Tale Continues Join Husband and Wife in this episode of Sacrilegious Discourse ( https://sacrilegiou...
SUPPORT US ON PATREON ( https://www.patreon.com/c/sacrilegiousdiscourse) Jonah: A Whale of a Tale Join Husband and Wife as they dive into the Book of Jonah in this episode of Sacrilegious Discourse ( ...
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