Psalms Chapters 148 - 150: Bible Study for Atheists
Sacrilegious DiscourseAugust 05, 202300:52:45

Psalms Chapters 148 - 150: Bible Study for Atheists

Husband and Wife cover Psalms 148 - 150

Psalm 148: All Creation Exhorted to Praise the LORD. Starts, "Praise ye the Lord from the heavens." Psalms 145 to 148 are given the title "of Haggai and Zechariah." Psalms 148 to 150 are the Laudate Psalms, sung all together as one psalm during the hour of Lauds, also called "Morning Prayer." Do fishes praise the lord? What about the stars?

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Psalm 149: Israel Exhorted to Praise the LORD. Starts, "Sing a new song unto the Lord." This psalm calls on the people to be ready to fight, which is a totally loving way to live. Perek Shira is an ancient Jewish text in which elements of creation use biblical and rabbinic verses (for example, Verse 2 of Psalm 149) in order to sing God's many praises. Reminds me of jumping up and down in my bed singing at the top of my lungs about some kid I have a crush on.

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Psalm 150: A Call to Praise God with Musical Instruments. Starts, "Praise ye the LORD." According to Kabbalah, the ten expressions of praise in this psalm correspond to... Kabbalistic things. New Age things. Pagan things. Magical things. Mystical things. Silly things.

But now we are done with The Book Psalms! If you've been listening since the beginning of our podcast, CONGRATULATIONS! We have reached the middle book of the Old Testament! Gold stars for you!

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