
Flawed Deity or Alien Overlord? The Curious Case of Jeremiah's Not-So-Perfect God
April 29, 2024

Flawed Deity or Alien Overlord? The Curious Case of Jeremiah's Not-So-Perfect God

Listen up, truth-seekers and myth-busters! Today, we're diving into the divine dumpster fire that is the Book of Jeremiah, and oh boy, have...

Jeremiah Gets Jailed: Divine Predictions or Political Suicide?
April 28, 2024

Jeremiah Gets Jailed: Divine Predictions or Political Suicide?

Oh, strap in, dear heretics, because today we're diving headfirst into the murky waters of ancient politics, sprinkled with a heavy dose of...

Zombie David and the Dawn of Redemption: An Undead King for Israel?
April 25, 2024

Zombie David and the Dawn of Redemption: An Undead King for Israel?

Hey there, godless gang! Today, we're going to take a snarky stroll down the Biblically beaten path and talk about the latest fever-dream o...

Boomers, Bibles, and the Trans Experience: An Episode of Generational Gaps
April 21, 2024

Boomers, Bibles, and the Trans Experience: An Episode of Generational Gaps

If you've been wondering how to make ancient biblical prophecies relevant while simultaneously poking fun at boomers and unpacking the tran...

70 Years a Captive: Jeremiah's Guide to Settling Down in Babylon
April 18, 2024

70 Years a Captive: Jeremiah's Guide to Settling Down in Babylon

Well, folks, it's time to unpack the suitcase and start hanging up those Babylonian tapestries because according to our favorite weeping pr...

Prophecy and Popcorn: Tune in for Jeremiah's Biblical Blockbuster
April 17, 2024

Prophecy and Popcorn: Tune in for Jeremiah's Biblical Blockbuster

Welcome to the ultimate showbiz extravaganza, where ancient prophets lock horns and modern antiheroes blush! Buckle up, heathens, for a cin...

Breaking Bread and Biblical Boundaries: A Snarky Scripture Session
April 16, 2024

Breaking Bread and Biblical Boundaries: A Snarky Scripture Session

Welcome to the sacrilegious side of scripture, where the only thing we take seriously is our irreverence. Buckle up, sinners and saints, as...

Prophetic Panderings: Jeremiah's Babylonian Bidding War
April 15, 2024

Prophetic Panderings: Jeremiah's Babylonian Bidding War

Hey there, rational thinkers and scripture skeptics! Today, we're diving headfirst into the dusty, divine drama of ancient politics and pow...

Jeremiah's Flip-Flop Fables: Standing Firm or Falling Flat?
April 14, 2024

Jeremiah's Flip-Flop Fables: Standing Firm or Falling Flat?

Hey there, free thinkers and scripture skeptics! It's your favorite godless gabbers back with another scathing take on the ever-entertainin...