
The Prophecy of Playing Both Sides: Jeremiah's Guide to Ancient Espionage

The Prophecy of Playing Both Sides: Jeremiah's Guide to Ancient Espionage

Welcome, heathens and history buffs, to another thrilling installment of "Sacrilegious Discourse," where we leave no holy stone unturned, n...

Dungeon Decor: Jeremiah's Guide to Cistern Living

Dungeon Decor: Jeremiah's Guide to Cistern Living

Hey there, sinners and saints! It’s your favorite irreverent duo back with another snarky deep-dive into the oh-so-holy scriptures. T...

Foretelling Figs and Fury: Jeremiah's Fig-Leafed Prophecies of Doom

Foretelling Figs and Fury: Jeremiah's Fig-Leafed Prophecies of Doom

Welcome back to the smorgasbord of skepticism, dear freethinkers, rationalists, and anyone who dares to question. Today we're diving into t...

Prophet or Crybaby? Unpacking Jeremiah's 'Woe Is Me' Attitude

Prophet or Crybaby? Unpacking Jeremiah's 'Woe Is Me' Attitude

Are you ready for a biblical throwdown, where we dissect the tear-stained pages of ancient texts and the prophets who loved a good pity par...

The Godly Paradox of Babylonian Magic: A Snarky Atheist's Take

The Godly Paradox of Babylonian Magic: A Snarky Atheist's Take

Ah, the Bible. A source of endless amusement for us non-believers, especially when it throws a good ol' paradox our way. Today, we're tackl...

Biblical Soap Opera: The Downfall of Shebna and the Rise of Eliakim

Biblical Soap Opera: The Downfall of Shebna and the Rise of Eliakim

It's another week and another journey through the labyrinth of contradictions, judgments , and frankly absurd prophecies in the book of Isa...

Prophecies, Threshing Floors and Overpriced Coffee: An Unconventional Bible Study

Prophecies, Threshing Floors and Overpriced Coffee: An Unconventional Bible Study

In this compelling episode, we navigate the enigmatic maze of Isaiah's prophetic visions. These range from an intimidating desert invader t...