
Flawed Deity or Alien Overlord? The Curious Case of Jeremiah's Not-So-Perfect God

Flawed Deity or Alien Overlord? The Curious Case of Jeremiah's Not-So-Perfect God

Listen up, truth-seekers and myth-busters! Today, we're diving into the divine dumpster fire that is the Book of Jeremiah, and oh boy, have...

Foretelling Figs and Fury: Jeremiah's Fig-Leafed Prophecies of Doom

Foretelling Figs and Fury: Jeremiah's Fig-Leafed Prophecies of Doom

Welcome back to the smorgasbord of skepticism, dear freethinkers, rationalists, and anyone who dares to question. Today we're diving into t...

Rewriting God: Isaiah's Editorial Team Unveiled

Rewriting God: Isaiah's Editorial Team Unveiled

If you thought the divine word was sacrosanct, immutable, and served with a side of heavenly fries, brace yourself for the ultimate revelat...

Rituals, Rat Eaters, and Revelations: The Isaiah Finale Through a Skeptic's Eyes

Rituals, Rat Eaters, and Revelations: The Isaiah Finale Through a Skeptic's Eyes

Well, holy smokes and divine double takes, dear heathens! It's time to pull up a pew and settle in as we tackle the grand finale of the Boo...

Idol Hands Are the Devil's Playthings: Isaiah's Tree-tise on Paganism

Idol Hands Are the Devil's Playthings: Isaiah's Tree-tise on Paganism

Well, well, well, dear heretical horde, it's your favorite godless gabbers back with another blasphemous blog post to shake the stained-gla...

The Godly Paradox of Babylonian Magic: A Snarky Atheist's Take

The Godly Paradox of Babylonian Magic: A Snarky Atheist's Take

Ah, the Bible. A source of endless amusement for us non-believers, especially when it throws a good ol' paradox our way. Today, we're tackl...

Isaiah's Doomsday Prophecies: A Thrillingly Gruesome Analysis

Isaiah's Doomsday Prophecies: A Thrillingly Gruesome Analysis

Well, isn't the Bible just a riot? This week on our podcast, we're dissecting the action-packed rollercoaster that is Isaiah chapters 30-34...

From Fear to Utopia: The Twists and Turns of Isaiah's Prophecies

From Fear to Utopia: The Twists and Turns of Isaiah's Prophecies

Hello again, dear disciples of rationality and reason. As our regular listeners know, we’ve been making our way through the Bible, on...

Zombies and Leviathans: Q&A Saturday

Zombies and Leviathans: Q&A Saturday

Hey there, lovers of reason, logic, and the absurdities of ancient religious texts! We’re back with another exhilarating episode of o...