
Jeremiah Gets Jailed: Divine Predictions or Political Suicide?

Jeremiah Gets Jailed: Divine Predictions or Political Suicide?

Oh, strap in, dear heretics, because today we're diving headfirst into the murky waters of ancient politics, sprinkled with a heavy dose of...

Prophetic Panderings: Jeremiah's Babylonian Bidding War

Prophetic Panderings: Jeremiah's Babylonian Bidding War

Hey there, rational thinkers and scripture skeptics! Today, we're diving headfirst into the dusty, divine drama of ancient politics and pow...

I Don't Want to Live in a Theocracy: The Dangers of Political Rhetoric that Promotes a Theocracy

I Don't Want to Live in a Theocracy: The Dangers of Political Rhetoric that Promotes a Theocracy

Imagine a world where laws are made based on religious beliefs, where people's lives are dictated by a single interpretation of a religious...

Ohio House Republicans' HB 240 is a dangerous attack on the separation of church and state

Ohio House Republicans' HB 240 is a dangerous attack on the separation of church and state

The bill, HB 240 , would allow public schools to "employ or accept as a volunteer a chaplain to provide support, services and programs for ...