
Prophetic Panderings: Jeremiah's Babylonian Bidding War

Prophetic Panderings: Jeremiah's Babylonian Bidding War

Hey there, rational thinkers and scripture skeptics! Today, we're diving headfirst into the dusty, divine drama of ancient politics and pow...

Piss Pots and Prophecies: A Sardonic Stroll Through Jeremiah 22

Piss Pots and Prophecies: A Sardonic Stroll Through Jeremiah 22

Oh, beloved heretics and scripture-skeptics, strap on your sandals and slap on your sass - we're about to embark on a journey through the s...

Pestilence, Punishment, and Poles: Jeremiah's Dire Warnings and Dizzy Dances

Pestilence, Punishment, and Poles: Jeremiah's Dire Warnings and Dizzy Dances

Ah, the sweet, melodious sound of doom and gloom from our favorite ancient doomsayer, Jeremiah, paired with the lighthearted twirls around ...