
Flawed Deity or Alien Overlord? The Curious Case of Jeremiah's Not-So-Perfect God

Flawed Deity or Alien Overlord? The Curious Case of Jeremiah's Not-So-Perfect God

Listen up, truth-seekers and myth-busters! Today, we're diving into the divine dumpster fire that is the Book of Jeremiah, and oh boy, have...

Jeremiah Gets Jailed: Divine Predictions or Political Suicide?

Jeremiah Gets Jailed: Divine Predictions or Political Suicide?

Oh, strap in, dear heretics, because today we're diving headfirst into the murky waters of ancient politics, sprinkled with a heavy dose of...

Abram's Biblical Narratives: A Journey of Disbelief

Abram's Biblical Narratives: A Journey of Disbelief

What do you get when you throw two atheist podcasters into the complicated web of Abram's biblical narratives? An enlightening journey full...

Apocalyptic Spaghetti: A Divine Smorgasbord of Wrath, Prophecy, and Bitter Beer

Apocalyptic Spaghetti: A Divine Smorgasbord of Wrath, Prophecy, and Bitter Beer

We recently had the "pleasure" of dissecting the Book of Isaiah in our latest podcast episode. Let me tell you, friends, it was quite the j...