About Our Podcast

Husband and Wife are two non-believers who have always wanted to read the Bible. Why would we subject ourselves to this you might ask? From our perspective it helps us understand where the Christians around us, here in the Midwest, are coming from when they quote the Bible at us. Husband is basically an Atheist and wife leans Agnostic but mostly Atheist and we're just having some fun at the Bible's expense while learning more about what our neighbors claim we're going to hell over.

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Sacrilegious Discourse - Bible Study for AtheistsFebruary 19, 2025x
3:36:38204.19 MB

Bible Study by Atheists Weekly: Nahum Chapters 1 - 3 plus Q&A, Wrap Up, Contradictions and Special!

Join us on Patreon   https://patreon.com/sacrilegiousdiscourse Bible Study by Atheists Weekly is a collection of last week's episodes by Sacrilegious Discourse with Husband and Wife. This w...

Nahum Contradictions: Bible Study by Atheists

SUPPORT US ON PATREON In this episode, Husband and Wife tackle the long-awaited contradictions episode, bringing their signature humor and sharp insights to the table. As they sift through the repeti...

Nahum Wrap Up: Bible Study by Atheists

SUPPORT US ON PATREON AND JOIN US ON DISCORD In this episode, Husband and Wife wrap up their exploration of the Book of Nahum, reflecting on its poetic yet brutal depictions of divine retribution aga...


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