About Our Podcast

Husband and Wife are two non-believers who have always wanted to read the Bible. Why would we subject ourselves to this you might ask? From our perspective it helps us understand where the Christians around us, here in the Midwest, are coming from when they quote the Bible at us. Husband is basically an Atheist and wife leans Agnostic but mostly Atheist and we're just having some fun at the Bible's expense while learning more about what our neighbors claim we're going to hell over.

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  • Sacrilegious Discourse - Bible Study for Atheists
  • Bible Study for Atheists - Genesis
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  • Bible Study for Atheists: Leviticus

Daniel Chapter 3: Bible Study by Atheists

So... immediately upon starting to finish the editing process with this episode. Our computer blew up. Luckily... I was able to recover this episode and use kid's computer to upload todays episode. N...

Daniel Chapter 2: Bible Study by Atheists

Daniel Chapter 2: Hold onto your hats, folks, because things are getting dreamily dramatic in Babylon! In this episode of Sacrilegious Discourse, Husband and Wife dive into the mind-bending visions o...

Daniel Chapter 1: Bible Study by Atheists

Daniel Chapter 1: Get ready for some biblical fanfic, folks, because the Book of Daniel is kicking off with a Babylonian makeover! In this episode of Sacrilegious Discourse, Husband and Wife dive int...


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