About Our Podcast
Husband and Wife are two non-believers who have always wanted to read the Bible. Why would we subject ourselves to this you might ask? From our perspective it helps us understand where the Christians around us, here in the Midwest, are coming from when they quote the Bible at us. Husband is basically an Atheist and wife leans Agnostic but mostly Atheist and we're just having some fun at the Bible's expense while learning more about what our neighbors claim we're going to hell over.


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- Sacrilegious Discourse - Bible Study for Atheists
- Bible Study for Atheists - Genesis
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- Bible Study for Atheists: Leviticus
Bible Study by Atheists Weekly: Nahum Chapters 1 - 3 plus Q&A, Wrap Up, Contradictions and Special!
Join us on Patreon https://patreon.com/sacrilegiousdiscourse Bible Study by Atheists Weekly is a collection of last week's episodes by Sacrilegious Discourse with Husband and Wife. This w...
Nahum Contradictions: Bible Study by Atheists
SUPPORT US ON PATREON In this episode, Husband and Wife tackle the long-awaited contradictions episode, bringing their signature humor and sharp insights to the table. As they sift through the repeti...
Nahum Wrap Up: Bible Study by Atheists
SUPPORT US ON PATREON AND JOIN US ON DISCORD In this episode, Husband and Wife wrap up their exploration of the Book of Nahum, reflecting on its poetic yet brutal depictions of divine retribution aga...
What the people say about us
Amazing readthrough
I had been slowly deconstructing for years, and this readthrough from husband and wife, clinched it for me. I like how they discuss their reading together, and they research any questions they have. A refreshing take on the bible.
Great ride!
Very enjoyable ride through the incoherence of the not-so-holy book
A fresh look at the bible
This couple's read-throughs have been instrumental in my deconstruction. Husband and wife have a great perspective on reading the bible as just a regular piece of literature, and not as a basis for moral code, and it is refreshing.
Thank you
As I enter my 30s, I’m going through the deconstruction process of being raised in a very Christian home and unlearn some of the painful indoctrination I endured. As a kid, I’ve read the Bible multiple times as part of church studies. I was taught that “the Word” was perfect and to question it was to question god’s perfect righteousness. I was taught that humans can’t even begin to understand gods will and it was a sin to try to make sense of it. Listening to Husband and Wife read and question and critic the Bible is so refreshing because it’s something that most of us (religious or former religious) were never allowed to do. The absurdity of this book is so apparent now that I’ve been working towards my personal healing. Thank you
Great podcast
Love Husband and Wife. I listen in the morning while I drink my coffee and they always make me laugh and find interesting facts.
I'm questioning my Faith
I just came across your podcast and it was so refreshing to listen to your non-Christian views on rhe Bible. I'm questioning my faith and I think I'm beginning to understand why people leave Christianity...
Too f🤬ing hilarious
This couple are definitely "top shelf". They're what a beautiful marriage should be like, funny and forgiving (Husband is a great patient man 🤣😂). Great delivery and making this boring a$$ book bearable. Keep it up.
Thank you for reading the bible!
I would like to thank you for reading the bible. I have only just come across after noticing SD on twitter I had attempted to read the bible myself in the past, found it difficult and therefore boring but you have made it easy and provided the correct respectful tone it requires so thank you
So happy I came across this podcast
So happy I came across this podcast. I've been trying to go through the Bible recently myself, and have had similar reactions to you guys - it's batshit. I know I'm months behind on these videos, but this is exactly the kind of series I've been looking for. I grew up in an Evangelical Christian environment so I'm relatively familiar with this material, but it's interesting (and kind of disturbing) viewing it through my more recent atheism. Thanks again for commiting to this series. I'm definitely in for the long haul.
I love this podcast
I just discovered this podcast yesterday and I've been binge listening ever since. This couple make a great team.
Entertaining AF
I just discovered this podcast yesterday and have been listening non stop since. Hilarious couple. Keep up the good work and keep me laughing as I drive across the country in my semi truck.
Great podcast!!
Husband and Wife do a great job of making the bible not so boring. I have started reading the Bible several times, but always got too bored and annoyed to keep going. Wife’s reading and narration skills, including funny voices, keep me interested in what’s happening. Husband’s jokes are right on par with my sense of humor so I feel right at home. I also like the fact that they call out the garbage, hypocrisy, and unrealistic nonsense. (I mean a talking donkey, seriously, this book is clearly a fairytale) if Husband and Wife can make it though the whole Bible I will be right there with them until the end!
Hello from Malaysia!
Hello from Malaysia! I am very grateful that I've found your podcast. I was a Christian for the first 20+ years of my life, and I have since been an atheist for the past 6 years. I have decided to re-read the bible without the "god glasses" couple years back. I started reading around the same time you guys started this podcast and boy oh boy is it fascinating to have someone else think "what the fuck is this shit" alongside me! It has been very eye-opening to hear your perspective because I understand all the nuances and supposed "hidden messages" in the bible and they still sometimes cloud the things I'm reading. For example, when David was first "anointed as king" by Samuel, you guys were confused to why there are two kings in Israel. What we were told is that he was chosen to be the next king but not a king yet. So I was confused until that Q&A episode you guys found out about how the kingdom was still split up at that time, and they probably were ruling different parts at the same time. I've been listening to the podcast since the first episode and finally have the means to support you guys. Thank you from the other side of the globe~ #barleyparty
Refreshing take on the Bible!
Very fun and binge worthy. Can’t wait for them to get the bigger following they deserve.
I used to be saved born again Christian in my way to becoming god now I’m going to hell thank you sacrilegious discourse
Great podcast!!
Husband and Wife do a great job of making the bible not so boring. I have started reading the Bible several times, but always got too bored and annoyed to keep going. Wife’s reading and narration skills, including funny voices, keep me interested in what’s happening. Husband’s jokes are right on par with my sense of humor so I feel right at home. I also like the fact that they call out the garbage, hypocrisy, and unrealistic nonsense. (I mean a talking donkey, seriously, this book is clearly a fairytale) if Husband and Wife can make it though the whole Bible I will be right there with them until the end!
They make it fun
Wish they were around to help me slog through one of the worst small book groupings ever. So far. Deserves negative reviews.