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Bible Study for Atheists Weekly is a collection of last week's episodes by Sacrilegious Discourse with Husband and Wife. This week's collection includes Ezra Chapters 6 - 10, with Q&A, Ezra Wrap up, ...
We just finished reading Ezra, so it's time for Husband and Wife to play another round of a game called You're Always Wrong. You may be shocked to learn that we've found a few contradictions in the B...
Husband and Wife recap Ezra, a book which is only 10 chapters. Ezra / Esdras / scribe and (high?) priest / pretty Spring flowers / Moses 2.0 might have been a strong leader and motivational speaker, ...
Husband and Wife answer questions about what it means to "put away" your wife and children. We were excited to learn the Exiles did not just throw them into the trash fire pit! Hooray for not murderi...
Husband and Wife cover Ezra chapter 10: Foreign Wives and Children Put Away. These big sad-sacks just sit in the rain and sob, all cut up over the fact that they mingled and made little mingle-babies...
Husband and Wife cover Ezra chapter 9: Ezra's Prayer of Confession. Ezra is a big racist crybaby, getting worked up over his people commingling, drinking from the same water fountain, and swimming in...
Husband and Wife cover Ezra chapter 8: Ezra and His Company Come to Jerusalem (cont). I, Ezra, almost forgot to get some Levites, but then I, Ezra, remembered to place an order for some at the last m...
Husband and Wife cover Ezra chapter 7: Ezra and His Company Come to Jerusalem. After consulting Ancestry-dot-com, Ezra learns he is a direct descendent of Aaron. Artaxerxes King of Persia was super e...
Husband and Wife cover Ezra chapter 6: The Temple Rebuilt (cont). Those Karens should've kept their mouths shut, cuz not only did Darius King of Persia pull out Cyrus' receipts, he added his own two ...
Bible Study for Atheists Weekly is a collection of last week's episodes by Sacrilegious Discourse with Husband and Wife. This week's collection includes Ezra Chapters 1 - 5, with Q&A and Patreon Teas...
Husband and Wife answer questions about why it's a good idea to turn down help from your enemies. They also discuss why it matters what language was used, and how a Persian governor can also be a Jud...
Husband and Wife cover Ezra chapter 5: The Temple Rebuilt. The Jews get back to building their temple when some Karens come around with their clipboards and are like, "Whomst the fock gave you the ri...
Husband and Wife cover Ezra chapter 4: The Adversaries Stop the Work. We argue over whether it's smart to turn down help from your enemies. Wife is jaded and thinks the Jews made the right choice to ...
Husband and Wife cover Ezra chapter 3: The Restoration of Worship / The Rebuilding of the Temple Begun. The people work, get laid, watch Tom Cruise movies, and listen to Enya. Then they weep because ...
Husband and Wife cover Ezra chapter 2: The List of Returning Exiles. And what a list it is! It's not better than Ezra, but it is pretty capable. Lots of names and lots of ass. Help is on — How Bizarr...
Husband and Wife cover Ezra chapter 1: The Proclamation of Cyrus / The Return of the Exiles to Jerusalem. The Lord moves some hearts but ignores others, which honestly is actually kinda rude. Cyrus s...