Husband and Wife cover 1 Samuel chapter 7: The Philistines Return the Ark (cont.) / Samuel Judges Israel. We have questions about fasting as a spiritual practice (aren't you really just hangry?). At Samuel's urging, the Israelites get rid of their false idols - but did they tho? We're no prophets, but it just doesn't very likely.
SUPPORT US ON PATREON ( Jonah Chapter 4: A Prophet's Anguish Join Husband and Wife in this episode of Sacrilegious Discourse ( https://sacrilegiousdisc...
SUPPORT US ON PATREON ( Jonah Chapter 3: A City Repents Join Husband and Wife in this episode of Sacrilegious Discourse ( https://sacrilegiousdiscourse...
SUPPORT US ON PATREON ( Gilgamesh: The Epic Tale Unveiled Join Husband and Wife in this special bonus episode of Sacrilegious Discourse ( https://sacri...
Bible Study for Atheists, Humanism, Humanist, Secular, atheism, atheist,