Husband and Wife cover Judges chapter 17: Micah's Images and His Priest. This kid steals silver out his mama's purse, but since he's honest about it after the fact, she makes an idol of him, which he makes into a mf altar, and this cannot possibly bode well, but he indentures a Levite to be his own personal priest, so I guess it's all gonna be okay?
SUPPORT US ON PATREON ( AND JOIN US ON DISCORD ( In this episode, Husband and Wife wrap up their exploration of the Book...
SUPPORT US ON PATREON ( In this episode, Husband and Wife dive into Nahum Chapter 3, picking up right where they left off in Chapter 2. With their usua...
SUPPORT US ON PATREON ( JOIN US ON DISCORD ( In this episode, Husband and Wife return to the Book of Nahum, diving into ...
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