Husband and Wife cover Numbers chapter 7: Offerings for the Dedication of the Altar. We read this one as a stand-alone because it's so long that we're actually still reading it and will probably be reading it through next year. All the Tribes got together and donated lambs and shit on fancy platters. The End. Don't make this harder than it has to be.
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HELP US REACH OUR GOAL TO BUY NEW EQUIPMENT ON OUR GOFUNDME ( (We're trying to raise $5000 to start the new year off right!) or support us monthly on Patreon below... Eithe...
HELP US REACH OUR GOAL TO BUY NEW EQUIPMENT ON OUR GOFUNDME ( (We're trying to raise $5000 to start the new year off right!) or support us monthly on Patreon below... Eithe...