Join us as we revisit Abram's Biblical Stories. We'll explore the adventures of Abram, Lot, and their many helpers. We'll delve into their encounters with the enigmatic Melchizedek, Sodom's leader. We'll aim to comprehend complex alliances and triumphant battles. We'll discuss the recurring treasure debate (spoiler: Abram often gets the most).
God's promise to childless Abram is perplexing. He foresees a lineage as countless as the stars. But also predicts a difficult 400-year period. Hopeful yet troubling news, right?
Abram's ritual is peculiar. It involves animal sacrifices and vulture scare tactics. We assure you, we're not making this up.
Abram reserves a tenth of his war spoils. This move makes us question his dedication. He ensures to negotiate a good deal with Melchizedek. Just another day for our lead character.
Let's navigate through Abram's Biblical Stories. We're all on this journey together. We value your opinions and feedback. Even your disgruntled letters. So, strap in and prepare for a biblical-sized adventure. Let's keep the conversation going. We'll be scrutinizing an old book endorsing slavery, war, and a God with humor.
00:03 - Husband (Host)
Hey everyone, husband here and I'm wife.
00:06 - Wife (Host)
If you've been listening to us then you know we're all about reading the Bible and reacting to it. On our first read-through Cuss words, crying, laughing and more.
00:14 - Husband (Host)
We're passionate about creating a podcast that takes the sanctity out of the sacred text and simply stating it as we see it.
00:19 - Wife (Host)
But we can't do it without your help. We're asking for your support to help us keep this podcast going.
00:24 - Husband (Host)
There are two ways you can donate.
00:26 - Wife (Host)
First SAC-DIS, that's S-A-C-D-I-S to 53555. If you're in the US with a one-time donation, Any amount helps.
00:36 - Husband (Host)
Or, if you'd rather start a sustaining membership, sign up on our Patreon page at patreoncom forward. Slash sacrilegious discourse. Membership levels start as low as $2 a month.
00:45 - Wife (Host)
We are amazed and grateful for our fans that support us now, and you can become one too.
00:50 - Husband (Host)
With your support, we can keep sacrilegious discourse alive and well for years to come. So please donate today. Just SAC-DIS to 53555 if you're in the US.
01:00 - Wife (Host)
We're signing up for our Patreon page at patreoncom. Forward slash sacrilegious discourse.
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03:13 - Wife (Host)
Hey you, welcome to Sacrilegious Discourse.
03:15 - Husband (Host)
I'm husband.
03:16 - Wife (Host)
I'm wife.
03:17 - Husband (Host)
And together we're reading the Bible.
03:19 - Wife (Host)
Ending with Genesis and eventually ending with Revelations. We're working through every book and offering our Atheist two cents.
03:27 - Husband (Host)
Four shekels.
03:28 - Wife (Host)
Yeah, those. We're asking questions and pointing out all the nonsense.
03:32 - Husband (Host)
We aren't academics or scholars.
03:34 - Wife (Host)
Nope, in fact, when it comes to religion, we really don't know anything at all.
03:39 - Husband (Host)
What we've learned so far is that God's a dick.
03:42 - Wife (Host)
Oh, he really is, isn't he? If you're interested in how we reached this startling conclusion, maybe start from episode one.
03:50 - Husband (Host)
Otherwise, jump in anywhere, it's all good, yep.
03:58 - Wife (Host)
So do you remember what we talked about last time?
04:02 - Husband (Host)
Uh no.
04:04 - Wife (Host)
Oh, my God, okay, so um we talked about how Abram and Lot split their land and um how they had servants, slaves got it, got it Okay. Oh, and we were very disappointed that, um, it's not good yet.
04:25 - Husband (Host)
Right? Well, we may continue with disappointing ideas about this book.
04:31 - Wife (Host)
I thought you were going to be positive and say something hopeful.
04:36 - Husband (Host)
No, but you know what? Maybe we should give hope for the people that are listening, that think we're going to end up being converted. Should we give them hope?
04:43 - Wife (Host)
I don't like to lie.
04:47 - Husband (Host)
But hey, you know, if you've liked this you know podcast so far you should definitely subscribe to it, because you know we'd love to have you back next week, even though this is a shitty book.
04:57 - Wife (Host)
Yeah, and the week after, and the week after and the week after because hopefully you don't think we're shitty.
05:03 - Husband (Host)
That'd be great, right? Hey wife, yes husband, did you know that we are now on Patreon?
05:18 - Wife (Host)
Um, yes, because you told me, but also no, tell me more.
05:23 - Husband (Host)
So we're on Patreon now.
05:25 - Wife (Host)
Are we?
05:26 - Husband (Host)
We are and our supporters can go there and support us. We have multiple levels all the way up to. You killed God.
05:32 - Wife (Host)
That sounds really drastic and escalated quickly ish.
05:36 - Husband (Host)
Well, no, there's multiple levels before there. So that's escalates on the sliding scale of, you know, cheap to not cheap. But you know we can definitely use any amount. So, like, any support is always appreciated.
05:49 - Wife (Host)
So what exactly is Patreon?
05:52 - Husband (Host)
It's a place where you can show your support for our podcast and just our podcast, any podcast or any performer. But you know we're the ones that you know you're listening to right now, so maybe you should, you know, support us. That'd be awesome.
06:04 - Wife (Host)
That would be awesome, but we love you anyway.
06:06 - Husband (Host)
So all you got to do is go to Patreon, look up sacrilegious discourse. It's actually patreoncom forward slash. Sacrilegious discourse is our actual main page there. So head on over and send us some love.
06:18 - Wife (Host)
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09:53 - Wife (Host)
Okay. Genesis 14, abraham rescues Lot.
09:58 - Husband (Host)
Oh, okay.
09:59 - Wife (Host)
They just split up. I know right.
10:00 - Husband (Host)
And everybody needs rescuing yeah.
10:02 - Wife (Host)
Womp womp. About this time war broke out in the region. Now we're getting somewhere.
10:08 - Husband (Host)
Oh, right war.
10:09 - Wife (Host)
King. No, that's not the right thing to cheer for. Oh, okay all right?
10:15 - Husband (Host)
Well, I just was thinking. You know it's exciting, Something exciting is happening, Although the last time there was warring people there was a rapey thing that happened, Well, and God like killed everybody. Oh yeah, so yeah, maybe not so good.
10:28 - Wife (Host)
Let's not cheerful war.
10:29 - Husband (Host)
10:31 - Wife (Host)
King Amrithul of Babylonia, King Ariach of Elisar, King Kidor Leimer, King Bera of Sodom, King Bersha of Gomorrah, King Shannab of Adma, King Shemabir of Zaboyim, the King of Bila, also called Zohar.
10:58 - Husband (Host)
Good God. At some point we should count up how many names have been dropped in the first, like 15 chapters.
11:03 - Wife (Host)
And how many I pictured. Wait, wait, that's all of them.
11:07 - Husband (Host)
Except maybe Lot, yeah, and I don't know. I like Peleg Peleg.
11:14 - Wife (Host)
The second group of kings joined forces in Sodom Valley, that is, the Valley of the Dead Sea. For 12 years they had been subject to King Kidor Leimer, but in the 13th year they were belled against him.
11:30 - Husband (Host)
The 13th year of what? After the flood?
11:33 - Wife (Host)
After no, the 13th year, after 12 years of being subject to him.
11:39 - Husband (Host)
Oh, okay, oh, okay, okay yeah.
11:41 - Wife (Host)
And after 12 years they were like I had another shit, okay, all right. One year later, kidor Leimer and his allies arrived and defeated the Raphaitites at Ashtaroth Carnam, the Zuzites at Ham, the Emytes at Shevahkiriathame I think we just need to rewrite this whole damn thing and rename everything so that it's not like stupid. And the Horites at Mount Sair.
12:10 - Husband (Host)
Damn Horites.
12:12 - Wife (Host)
As far as Elperon at the edge of the wilderness. Then they turned back and came to Enmishpat, now called Kadesh, and conquered all the territory of the Amalekites and also the Amorites living in Hezazon tomorrow.
12:30 - Husband (Host)
Look, there was Amorites.
12:33 - Wife (Host)
And Menentites, Then the Rebel Kings of Sodom, Gomorrah, Adma, Zeboim and Bila I think she's called Zeboinga, sorry. Also called Zoar. This is hard enough without you cutting me off all the time it's funny here for to interrupt you and make you fuck up.
Anyway, all those Rebel Kings prepared for battle in the Valley of the Dead Sea. They fought against King Kader Lamar of Elam, king Tidal of Goyam, king Em Rafael of Babylonia and King Ariak of Elisar. Four kings against five. I mean that really sums it up as it happened. I think we just said that right. Yeah, yeah.
13:18 - Husband (Host)
Four kings fought five kings.
13:20 - Wife (Host)
Yeah, exactly as it happened, the Valley of the Dead Sea was filled with tarpets and as the army of the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah fled, some fell into the tarpets, while the rest escaped into the mountains.
13:33 - Husband (Host)
Have you ever seen a tarpet?
13:34 - Wife (Host)
It's a pit of tar.
13:36 - Husband (Host)
I know, but like there's always tarpets in movies and stuff, I've never seen a tarpet.
13:40 - Wife (Host)
And why is it there?
13:41 - Husband (Host)
Why don't we have tarpets?
13:43 - Wife (Host)
I want a tarpet. What would you do with a tarpet?
13:47 - Husband (Host)
I don't know.
13:48 - Wife (Host)
I mean, is that where you throw your trash Like, is that what they're talking about?
13:51 - Husband (Host)
I mean it seems like it's like some of this endless void of things that just sucks down into it, right? So it'd be great, yeah.
13:57 - Wife (Host)
Yeah, it's like a trash compactor. You just throw all your dead bodies, that people you murdered, along with alligators and recyclables. Exactly Got it. The victorious invaders then plundered Sodom and Gomorrah and headed for home, taking with them all the spoils of war and the food supplies oh burn.
14:19 - Husband (Host)
Wouldn't that be considered spoils of war? Yeah, Like does it have to be?
14:23 - Wife (Host)
I mean, I don't know. It's like they're saying they took, they broke into my house and they took all my jewelry and my milk.
14:29 - Husband (Host)
14:30 - Wife (Host)
That's two separate things, okay. I mean, they took all of my priceless paintings and a bag of sugar.
14:38 - Husband (Host)
14:39 - Wife (Host)
It's different. Okay, so the spoils of war and the food supplies Got it. They also captured lot Abrams nephew who lived in Sodom and carry and carried off everything he owned. You are terrible.
14:53 - Husband (Host)
I am terrible.
14:54 - Wife (Host)
But one of lots men's men's. One of lots men escaped and reported everything to Abram, the Hebrew who was living near the Oak Grove belonging to Mamre, the Amorite. Mamre and his relatives, eskul and Anor, were Abrams allies. When Abram heard that his nephew lot had been captured, he mobilized the 318 precisely 318 trained men who had been born into his household. Then he pursued Kedar Lamar's army until he caught up with them at Dan.
15:33 - Husband (Host)
Okay, it's funny to me how quickly everything progresses, because they just showed up and apparently he has trained armies with them now too.
15:42 - Wife (Host)
15:43 - Husband (Host)
I mean, all these things just come out of nowhere.
15:44 - Wife (Host)
15:45 - Husband (Host)
It's weird.
15:47 - Wife (Host)
But I mean, if you think about it like for 12, going on 13 years now they've been living in this war zone.
15:53 - Husband (Host)
15:54 - Wife (Host)
And so I'm sure that this wasn't something that he was unprepared for.
16:00 - Husband (Host)
16:01 - Wife (Host)
Like when you start training up some people to protect your ass.
16:04 - Husband (Host)
Yeah, probably.
16:05 - Wife (Host)
So it just didn't tell us that part.
16:08 - Husband (Host)
Right, right.
16:09 - Wife (Host)
But I'm sure they didn't appear out of nowhere.
16:11 - Husband (Host)
Okay, all right.
16:13 - Wife (Host)
There he divided his men and attacked during the night. Kedar Lamar's army fled, but Abram chased them as far as Huba, north of Damascus. Abram recovered all the goods that had been taken and he brought back his nephew lot with his possessions and all the women and other captives. Hmm. Oh, rapey Mm hmm, so fucking rapey. Yeah, I mean really, that's just for a test. It's just something that keeps happening in the Bible and it's just like you know, all their slaves and women want.
16:48 - Husband (Host)
Sometimes God's, like you know, planning on it.
16:50 - Wife (Host)
I know so test just grotesque. This is unbearable. Okay, um next section Melchizedek blesses Abram after Abram or witchcraft.
Yeah, after Abram returned from his victory over Kedar Lamar and all his allies, the king of Sodom went out to meet him in the valley of Shava, that is, the Kings Valley, and milk kids a deck. The king of Salem shut up. The king of Salem and a priest of God most high brought Abram some bread and wine. Milk kids a deck blessed Abram with his blessing as opposed to blessing him with his curse. Right, yeah, Blessed be Abram by God most high, creator of heaven and earth, and blessed be God most high, who has defeated your enemies for you.
17:45 - Husband (Host)
Didn't God already bless whatever Abram, like Abram was supposed to be, like the right star right yeah. So like does he need more blessings?
17:52 - Wife (Host)
I don't really understand how blessings work because, like, if you tell God bless you, aren't you saying like bestow goodness upon yourself, god, but like God already has all the goodies, that like I don't. I don't really understand the language. I don't understand the intended message.
18:09 - Husband (Host)
18:11 - Wife (Host)
I'm probably being nitpicky, but, like, words matter to me.
18:15 - Husband (Host)
Sure, and it's hard to distinguish what they're talking about because there was some like witchcraftery stuff going on back then, like was there. Well, yeah, I talked about how people were cursing people and stuff and all that, like there was some weird shit going on.
18:30 - Wife (Host)
You're right, you're right. Then Abram gave Melchizedek a tenth of all the goods he had received, so he won a bunch of spoils of war and slaves and women's and so he didn't just give it back, he just he kept it for himself, and then he gave some of it to some other dude that blessed him. The king guy.
18:50 - Husband (Host)
So he wasn't really like nice. He kept it all.
18:53 - Wife (Host)
I mean, he is, I guess we don't know that. I'm just saying, like he didn't keep it all.
19:00 - Husband (Host)
19:01 - Wife (Host)
Because this guy came up with like he gave up a tenth of it. Bless you.
19:04 - Husband (Host)
But he certainly didn't return it to the people.
19:06 - Wife (Host)
So basically like if he won $100, he gave dude $10.
19:10 - Husband (Host)
But he didn't return it to the people.
19:12 - Wife (Host)
Right, he returned. It returned a tenth of it to one king yeah. Yeah.
19:17 - Husband (Host)
19:18 - Wife (Host)
Okay, you're right, I see your face. That's gross. You're right, bad math.
19:23 - Ad (Ad)
19:25 - Wife (Host)
The king of Sodom said to Abram give back my people who were captured, but you may keep for yourself all the goods you have recovered. Abram replied to the king of Sodom I solemnly swear to the Lord, god most high creator of heaven and earth, that I will not take so much as a single thread or sandal thong from what belongs to you. Otherwise you might say I am the one who made Abram rich. I will accept only what my young warriors have already eaten and I request that you give a fair share of the goods to my allies Ainer, eskul and Mamrie.
19:59 - Husband (Host)
Okay, I guess I think, I don't know, I don't know, I'd have to see the math on this and see what happened.
20:06 - Wife (Host)
Well, and not only that, but there's so many names that I'm not familiar with, that are difficult, that I don't even know who the good guys are and what team each one is on. Right, you have to sit down with like a spreadsheet and like a map and like I mean this requires, like some serious research. It's too hard, because who even cares?
20:25 - Husband (Host)
20:25 - Wife (Host)
Not me.
20:26 - Husband (Host)
20:27 - Wife (Host)
That's the end of chapter 14.
20:29 - Husband (Host)
Okay, we'll see you in a minute.
20:38 - Wife (Host)
Genesis, chapter 15, a son promised to Abram. Sometime later, the Lord spoke to Abram in a vision and said to him do not be afraid, abram, for I will protect you and your reward will be great, and with the rock star.
20:53 - Husband (Host)
Is this like zoom for God times? I mean, god sometimes comes down and talks to him, but he's like he's just showed up in a vision. So this is like the zoom call of or like on his watch. Right yeah.
21:06 - Wife (Host)
But Abram replied oh sovereign Lord, what good are all your blessings when I don't even have a son? Since you've given me no children, a Lyser of Damascus, a servant in my household, will inherit all my wealth. You have given me no descendants of my own, so one of my servants will be my heir.
21:24 - Husband (Host)
That sounds like a good deal for that servant.
21:26 - Wife (Host)
I know right.
21:28 - Husband (Host)
That sounds good.
21:29 - Wife (Host)
Maybe the servant is poisoning them and that's why they can't.
21:34 - Husband (Host)
I mean, if you're getting all that wealth, like damn I'd be, like don't have no kid. I want this shit, but like we don't believe in poisoning, Right, just to be clear, but this was a long time ago.
21:47 - Wife (Host)
So old poison is good? No, I'm not saying it's good.
21:49 - Husband (Host)
I'm just saying that there's a lot of norms back then that you know yeah.
21:55 - Wife (Host)
Then the Lord said to him no, your servant will not be your heir, for you will have a son of your own who will be your heir. Then the Lord took Abram outside and said to him look up into the sky and count the stars, if you can. That's how many descendants you will have, so infinity.
22:12 - Husband (Host)
22:14 - Wife (Host)
And Abram believed the Lord and the Lord counted him as righteous because of his face. I mean, you know what, If the Lord gave me a bunch of freaking treasures and then told me I was going to be blessed in a rock star? Right, I would be like God is great.
22:27 - Husband (Host)
Yeah, but he's still complaining. He's like I need an heir to give all my wealth to. I know it's not fair. It's not fair. Oh, I hate this guy Because a man as a descendant is very, very important. Yes, very.
22:40 - Wife (Host)
It's the most.
22:41 - Husband (Host)
22:43 - Wife (Host)
Then the Lord told him I am the Lord who brought you out of your of the Chaldeans to give you this land as your possession. But Abram replied oh, sovereign Lord, how can I be sure that I will actually possess it? Damn, he questioned him in the Lord.
22:59 - Husband (Host)
What's he doing?
22:59 - Wife (Host)
here. I don't know, but that sounds risky. Right. The Lord told him bring me a three year old heifer, a three year old female goat, a three year old ram, a turtle dove and a young pigeon.
23:12 - Husband (Host)
What the hell.
23:13 - Wife (Host)
And a partridge in a pantry. I mean, that's animals. So Abram presented all these to him and killed them. What that is just grotesque. Then he cut each animal down the middle and laid the halves side by side. He did not, however, cut the birds in half. Some vultures swooped down to eat the carcasses, but Abram chased them away.
23:39 - Husband (Host)
23:41 - Wife (Host)
What even is happening here?
23:42 - Husband (Host)
I don't know this is. I'd be very disturbed if I saw some dude cutting things in half and laying them open, for this is a scary story All of a sudden.
23:51 - Wife (Host)
The war was bad but boring, the rape was as expected, but all of a sudden we're doing like way too much sacrifice and it's just, I don't care for it Right. As the sun was going down, Abram fell into a deep sleep and a terrifying darkness came down over him. Jesus Christ, this is just, I don't even know. Then the Lord said to Abram you can be sure that your descendants will be strangers in a foreign land. Well, they where. They will be oppressed as slaves for 400 years.
24:24 - Husband (Host)
Wait what I thought he was helping them. A dude out.
24:28 - Wife (Host)
But he continued I will punish the nation that enslaves them and in the end they will come away with great wealth.
24:37 - Husband (Host)
What, oh this is? This is like a. They're alluding to the Jewish community, right, this is the the Jews, right? Yeah, these are alluding to that, okay.
24:45 - Wife (Host)
So he's like I'm going to punish the nation that enslaves them, and they will come away with great wealth. As for you, you will die in peace and be buried at a ripe old age. After four generations, your descendants will return here to this land, for the sims of the Amorites do not yet warrant their destruction. Oh my God, that's the way.
25:10 - Husband (Host)
he already knows he's going to destroy it. He already, he already knows what's going to happen. Yeah, and he's not doing anything to help.
25:16 - Wife (Host)
Your descendants are going to be oppressed as slaves for 400 years, and I'm perfectly okay with that Right. Just don't even sweat it, because after 400 years I will punish those people.
25:28 - Husband (Host)
Dude's like all powerful.
25:30 - Wife (Host)
25:30 - Husband (Host)
And he's just going to let this shit happen. Yep, because there's probably some sort of a quote unquote lesson.
25:35 - Wife (Host)
Yeah, I'm sure you know what I don't like these lessons.
25:39 - Husband (Host)
They're bullshit lessons.
25:40 - Wife (Host)
They're bullshit, because you know what that's? A lot of rape. Yeah 400 years of rape.
25:47 - Husband (Host)
Right Enforce labor. Yeah, I'm just saying.
25:50 - Wife (Host)
But I mean like I can't even say anything because the dude that is being cursed to have His descendants be slaves, he himself is a slave owner right, so it's like I can't even and he's fucking rich.
26:05 - Husband (Host)
I know like, but not no worries. Apparently maybe I don't know. I thought he was gonna be happy.
26:13 - Wife (Host)
And I right old age? Yeah, I don't only be, it's not gonna affect him.
26:16 - Husband (Host)
It's only gonna affect his future.
26:18 - Wife (Host)
Let me ask you this. So God comes down and is like, hey, guess what, your kids are gonna hate it, but you'll be fine.
26:24 - Husband (Host)
I'd be like is there any way around this?
26:26 - Wife (Host)
or when you be like thanks for telling me, but I didn't fucking need to know, or like maybe you.
26:31 - Husband (Host)
What, if I gave up all my wealth to you right, in order to save my Future generations, would? That help things because I don't really want them to be slaves for 400 years.
26:39 - Wife (Host)
Yeah yeah, but if there is no way out of this, why are you even just telling me like that? In and of itself, this allows me from enjoying what I have like. That's torture.
26:52 - Husband (Host)
And he questions him about some things, but he's not questioning him about his people being slaves for 400 years.
26:59 - Wife (Host)
Well, he is asleep, to be fair.
27:01 - Husband (Host)
Okay, this is happening. Oh, it's another zoom call. Yeah, it's a zoom Okay.
27:05 - Wife (Host)
After the Sun went down and darkness fell, abram saw a smoking firepot and a flaming torch Passed between the halves of the carcasses. So the Lord made a covenant with Abram that day and said I have given this land to your descendants, all the way from the border of Egypt to the great Euphrates River, the land now occupied by the Kenites, kenna'sites, kadmanites, hittites, parizzites, rafiites, amorites, kenanites, gurgashites, and Jebusites and Menintites. Am I right?
27:41 - Husband (Host)
You already said yeah, I know, but it'll never get old right so, but so he's basically talking about the Middle East, which is still not Christian right. I mean there is some Christian presence there, but not has the 400 years passed, yet.
27:55 - Wife (Host)
Well, one would think I mean we're in 22,000 because we're before Jesus right now. Right yeah, we're pre-J.
28:03 - Husband (Host)
But you would think that, since that's already passed, because it obviously has- right that that would all be Christian land out there. Well, I mean this is because God's Christianity I know okay, jewish land, okay, okay, either way.
28:16 - Wife (Host)
So it should all be Jewish land but it's not.
28:18 - Husband (Host)
It's not even close to that.
28:20 - Wife (Host)
Is it a little bit? No what is it?
28:23 - Husband (Host)
It's Islamic.
28:25 - Wife (Host)
Huh, it's pretty much all Islamic states out there. I don't want to like Bash Islam or anything like that, I mean there is.
28:33 - Husband (Host)
There is Israel, which I think is what they've Claimed as their hold in the Middle East, but what he's describing is from Egypt to the Euphrates and I believe the Euphrates is to the east of Egypt, which would be not like Israel and stuff, and there'd be a large swath land.
28:52 - Wife (Host)
So, basically, are the Jews at this point like I'm sorry, I'm really ignorant, but are the Jews at this point like all right, can we just have Israel then?
29:01 - Husband (Host)
I guess, I don't know. I mean, but it's not what was promised.
29:04 - Wife (Host)
No, it's not. It's not. That's sadness.
29:08 - Husband (Host)
It's sadness, but it also disproves the word of God right because he didn't hold it. I mean he did hold his prophecy did not come true right as as written in the Bible unless it did later, and then they lost it again.
29:22 - Wife (Host)
We haven't maybe I mean, I don't know, we're only in Genesis. Okay maybe 400 years pass and they get it right quick, but then God's like pulls the football out from under them, like Lucy and Charlie Brown, and I gave it to you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
29:35 - Husband (Host)
All right, all right.
29:37 - Wife (Host)
All right, that's the end of that chapter, oh okay.
29:39 - Husband (Host)
So yeah, I don't. I don't do you have anything? I don't got anything.
29:45 - Wife (Host)
I don't got anything. I'm just kind of flabbergasted at the all the the blessing and the cursing and the your kids are gonna suck it. Yeah like, that's just some pretty heavy shit. Yeah, it's very dark. Yeah who reads this to their children? I? Mean lots of people like Okay, but remember they have the good friendly family Kid Bible version. Okay, but this is supposed to be a book for the ages and Like I read some pretty heavy shit, but this is like supposed to be a family book, right?
30:25 - Husband (Host)
And so you're just reading your kid to sleep and you're like, and God told him to cut those animals in half, and then he did but it's not really supposed to be a family book because, as it was written years ago, it was writ written in Aramaic and it was not even read by anybody except for scholars, because they were not expecting the masses to actually understand anything in the book. They were supposed to be told what to think from these passages.
30:49 - Wife (Host)
So this is basically like a history book or whatever, a record that Christians. What are they claiming as a family novel? Now, not novel, but like I don't think they're claiming, no, I don't think they're claiming it's a family book?
31:05 - Husband (Host)
There's, there's. There are children's Bibles which are written in the much died, much more digestible.
31:10 - Wife (Host)
Yeah, and leave out of the rape and torture sure, sure which is, to me, thus far, a large portion of what this is about.
31:17 - Husband (Host)
Well, if that was the first book that these kids were introduced to, they'd probably be turned off from Christianity and and you know.
31:23 - Wife (Host)
Okay, but it's almost like. It's almost like reading a child's version of silence of the lands right. Wait, no, that that doesn't work. Or like a kids bop version of the song WAP. Like it doesn't work. It doesn't work right right. Okay, I think that's all. I have all right?
31:45 - Husband (Host)
Well, we'll see everybody next week. No, I'm sorry. We release our podcasts every Tuesday and Thursday, so we'll see you on the next Tuesday or Thursday that we release our podcast, because we record these ahead of time and I'm not sure which one this falls on so really, basically, you could have just skipped all of that and I said see you next time. I sure could have, but you know what? I didn't See you guys.
32:19 - Wife (Host)
A Husband yes, wife. Is there a way for people to contact us?
32:25 - Husband (Host)
Well, sure they can get on our Twitter account.
32:28 - Wife (Host)
We have a Twitter account, we do what is it?
32:30 - Husband (Host)
It is sacrilegious.
32:32 - Wife (Host)
Underscore D D for discourse.
32:36 - Husband (Host)
Yeah, they wouldn't let me put the whole thing, so I had to shorten it to underscore D. I hate them. Yeah, that's disgusting.
32:44 - Wife (Host)
How do you spell sacrilegious? Do you know?
32:46 - Husband (Host)
I don't want to just look it up in a dictionary or something. I don't want to do that right now.
32:51 - Wife (Host)
You know why.
32:52 - Husband (Host)
Sacrilegious underscore D okay.
32:54 - Wife (Host)
Because you messed it up and I made you fix it. That's why. Yeah yeah, what about an email?
32:59 - Husband (Host)
Yeah, we got that too. What is it? Sacrilegious? Discourse at gmailcom.
33:04 - Wife (Host)
Oh well, that's easy. Yeah, as long as you know how to spell sacrilegious.
33:08 - Husband (Host)
Right, well, definitely get ahold of us, let us know what you thought of the episode and any comments. Hate mail we love that kind of stuff.
33:17 - Wife (Host)
Also, you could answer some questions that we leave throughout, or correct my pronunciations because they're probably just bad, wrong and horrible Because we suck sometimes. Absolutely.
33:28 - Husband (Host)
Oh, also, if you like this shit or whatnot, give us a like on your podcasting app and stuff, or even leave a comment or something that would be awesome. That would be awesome. Goodbye.
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