
Bible Study for Atheists - Genesis 1 - 3

Husband and Wife cover Genesis chapter 1: The Creation; chapter 2: Man in the Garden of Eden; and chapter 3: Man's Disobedience. Things that are right out: Alaska, Evolution, and Womans. Early invent...

Genesis Chapters 14 - 15 Bible Study for Atheists

Uncover Abram's Biblical Narratives with our deep dive into his complex stories, alliances, and prophecies in the latest podcast episode.

Genesis Chapters 12 - 13 Bible Study for Atheists

Strap in, non-believers! In this episode of Sacrilegious Discourse, we're hitching a ride with Abram and Sarai on their faith-filled joyride through Genesis. And oh boy, do we have some choice words a...

Genesis Chapters 10 - 11 Bible Study for Atheists

Husband and Wife cover Genesis chapter 10: The Descendants of the Sons of Noah; and chapter 11: The Tower of Babel / The Descendants Shem / The Descendants of Terah. Names are hard. Places don't matte...

Genesis Chapters 8 - 9 Bible Study for Atheists

Hold on to your sanity, folks! This episode we dive headfirst into the biblical dumpster fire that is Noah's tale. We dig into the supposed 'sacred' chapters of Genesis, but honestly, it's less divine...

Genesis Chapters 4 - 7 Bible Study for Atheists

Join us on this merry-go-round of biblical confusion as we delve into the dramatic and puzzling tales of Cain and Abel. We untangle the peculiar favouritism God had for Abel's offering and the rather ...

Genesis Chapters 1 - 3 Bible Study for Atheists

Join our hosts as they humorously and irreverently dissect the biblical narratives of Genesis from a decidedly secular viewpoint. This thought-provoking episode takes you back to the creation of the w...